Breaking Barriers to Education: The Mozambique Student Housing Project

By Divine Word Missionaries on June 14, 2023
Picture this: a yellow school bus comes to a stop in a residential neighborhood dotted with cheery green trees. Dozens of children happily climb aboard and eagerly await their new day of learning. The bus rolls about a mile down the road, and ... Read More

Poverty Isn’t Just About Food—Three Types of Poverty Around the Globe

By Divine Word Missionaries on May 12, 2023
Poverty is a harsh affliction that affects millions of people around the world. Each day, many are gripped with fear as they struggle to know where their next meal will come from, how they will provide for their ... Read More

Making the Lenten Journey: How to Walk with Greater Faith This Season

By Divine Word Missionaries on January 31, 2023
Have you ever heard life described as a pilgrimage? A journey that is leading to our final end, which is union with God in heaven? This idea is an ancient one in the Christian tradition. The idea is that from our birth to our death, we ... Read More

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