Four Ways Our Catholic Missionary Work Supports the Global Church

By Divine Word Missionaries on May 22, 2024
The Great Commission of Christ to his disciples still echoes today in the lives of missionaries who have dedicated themselves to bringing the Gospel to others. This is Christ’s Great Commission: “Go, therefore, and make ... Read More

Hope For South Sudanese Refugees: The Uganda Youth Projects

By Divine Word Missionaries on November 7, 2023
Since 2016, Uganda has become home to South Sudanese refugees seeking asylum from the violence of their country’s civil war. Among the 11 refugee settlements in the country, the largest is the Bidibidi settlement in the Yumbe District. ... Read More

Ministering to the Living While Praying For the Dead: Fr. Max’s Story

By Divine Word Missionaries on October 12, 2023
Amid the tall buildings and crowded streets at the center of Cebu City, Philippines, lies an expanse of headstones commemorating the deceased—a cemetery filled with the graves of loved ones who have moved on to their eternal reward. But this ... Read More

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