How Are You Serving This Lent?

By Divine Word Missionaries on March 22, 2019
Lent can feel like a somber, depressing time in the life of many Christians. The weather is gloomy, churches are bare and silent, and thinking about suffering and sin is exhausting and discouraging. Read More

How One Woman’s Conversion Brought a Whole Parish Together

By Fr. Mariusz Pacula SVD on March 7, 2019
About a year ago, my cell phone rang in my pocket while I was in Tamale shopping for my mission, Christ the King parish in Gushiegu, Ghana, which was sixty-five miles away. The urgent call was from James, our catechist, who ... Read More

Eight Years Without a Priest: Fr. Eric Ankamah on the Joy of Parish Life

By Fr. Eric Ankamah SVD on February 28, 2019
The crowd was ecstatic. There was cheering and dancing. Little children threw flowers at me, and people reached out for a handshake as I made my way to the welcome arch. This was the jubilant mood the day I arrived at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish ... Read More

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