How to Make Your Advent Preparation Prayerful: Three Practical Tips

By Divine Word Missionaries on December 6, 2023
The Christmas season is filled with joyful preparation. We wrap presents for our loved ones, decorate cookies with care and adorn our homes with twinkling lights. While these festive activities are a beautiful part of the season, it is most ... Read More

The Sacred Meaning Behind the Catholic Advent Wreath

By Divine Word Missionaries on November 21, 2023
Imagine a cozy living room on a crisp December evening, where the flickering light of candles bathes everything in a warm and inviting glow. On a table in the center of the room, a wreath of greenery is adorned with four candles. The air is ... Read More

Hope For South Sudanese Refugees: The Uganda Youth Projects

By Divine Word Missionaries on November 7, 2023
Since 2016, Uganda has become home to South Sudanese refugees seeking asylum from the violence of their country’s civil war. Among the 11 refugee settlements in the country, the largest is the Bidibidi settlement in the Yumbe District. ... Read More

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