What Is a Mass Request? Explaining the Ways You Can Support the Global Church

Written by Divine Word Missionaries | June 27, 2019

Did you know that religious people are much more likely to give to charitable causes than are non-religious people? According to research conducted by the Philanthropy Panel Study in 2017, "62 percent of religious households give to charity, only 46 percent of nonreligious households do."

Religious households are more likely to support not just religious organizations like their church, but also secular nonprofits working to solve humanitarian issues or serving a disadvantaged population.

Christian Generosity Is Rooted in the Divine Word

To Catholics and Christians, these findings come as no surprise. We know that where the Word of God is at work through the Scriptures, the call to generosity is planted in the hearts of believers.

We hear repeated calls to generous giving in both the Old and New Testaments.

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

When we hear a passage like this, is it any surprise that religious people of all income levels tend to contribute financially to help and serve those less fortunate?

Our Mission Has Been Possible Because of the Generosity of the Christian Faithful

We have felt the force of Christian generosity in our own work. Divine Word Missionaries have relied on the support and generosity of the lay faithful since the earliest days of our mission. Every gift allows our priests and Brothers to continue their life- and soul-saving work.

We are also aware that many causes call for your support and that many organizations ask for help. It may be hard to discern how to allocate your gifts with so many charitable possibilities. Divine Word Missionaries offer several options to support our works, each with its own unique way of building our community as well as the global Church.

Understanding Ways You Can Support Our Missionaries

 We offer several ways to engage with us in prayer and action, from direct contributions to material gifts such as Mass kits sent to priests who are in need. We welcome with gratitude any donation of any size!

Here's a list of the common ways our friends choose to support our work:

Mass Requests

Submitting a Mass request is a beautiful way to remember an intention close to your heart, honor the memory of a departed loved one, or celebrate the birthday or wedding of a close friend or family member.

When you submit a Mass request and a gift in the amount of your choosing, a card is sent to the person for whom you are praying and our missionary priests offer a Mass in honor of your intention. Mass requests are a wonderful way to both support the work of our missionaries and to allow them to support you through their prayers and the sacrifice of the Mass.

Mission Mass League

Joining the Mission Mass League offers you a chance to enroll your family or loved one in a long-term offering of daily Masses. When you enroll your family or loved one in a long-term celebration of masses, you are placing them in front of the source of all life and love — Jesus Christ — through intercessory prayer.

The Mission Mass League offers 10-year or perpetual enrollment options for individuals and families. 

Memorial Gifts

Many people choose to help the work of Divine Word Missionaries through Memorial Gifts. Memorial Gifts are a way to honor the memory of your loved ones — living or deceased — while at the same time serving the spiritual needs of the poor.

These gift items range from priestly garments, chalices and missals to Mass kits, sick call sets and lectionary sets. When you give a Memorial Gift, the item is given to a priest or Brother who offers Mass and the sacraments in remote and impoverished areas.

Matthew 25 Partners

More and more Divine Word supporters are joining our Matthew 25 Club, where they contribute a regular monthly gift toward the success of our missions and, in turn, have their personal prayer intentions honored in our monthly novena of Masses.

 Once enrolled in the Matthew 25 Club, you become a Divine Word Missionary Sustainer. Your special intentions are remembered  in a novena of Masses beginning the 22nd of each month. If you choose, you receive a monthly email or mailing with a short mission story and a form to request your special intentions.

Want to learn more about how you can support the work of Divine Word Missionaries? Check out our Give page today and consider if God is calling you to contribute to the work of the missionary Church overseas.